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Shop with strategy to avoid going outside of your budget.

Shop with strategy to avoid going outside of your budget.

With holiday season right on us, its time to pinch some pennies to maximize our gifts to our babies as well as loved ones. I have been guilty of impulsive emotional shopping when it comes to buying clothes. It’s time to tighten up and walk into the malls armed and ready. Glamour magazine provides 5 tips of ammunition so that we may shop smarter not harder!

  1. Do some research. Check out the department’s store online inventory and print some of the items on your list. This will help focus your shopping and some of those items may even be on clearance in the department store.
  2. Journal it. Take pictures of some of your favorite outfits to make perusing easier. Especially all of my mami vintage thrift shoppers.
  3. Timing can be everything. Many stores restock their shelves overnight so going early in the day will increase your choices. I think this is great to keep in mind even with the toy stores.
  4. Befriend a sales associate or two! You never know they may give an extra discount or even put you on to coupons or sales that aren’t advertised.
  5. Pay attention to the material. Not all garments are made equal. As author Leah Melby suggest in Glamour magazine article, keep your eye out for materials like ponte knits, jerseys, or similar fabric blends. Designer like pieces at discount stores are best to avoid. Look for pieces that will drape and shape your body type. Try larger sizes for the blouses and dresses that don’t stretch.

Hope you are more equipped to shop smarter not harder! Mami’s don’t forget to wear your heels while you shop!